Why Wool Pillows are Good for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers

Why Wool Pillows are Good for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers

26th Oct 2023

Sleeping should be a peaceful experience, but for those with allergies and asthma, the wrong pillow can turn rest into unrest. Pillows made from materials that trap heat and moisture create a haven for irritants and allergens. Certain pillow materials can also break down over time, releasing microscopic particles that can be inhaled during sleep, exacerbating respiratory issues.

Wool pillows, with their natural properties, aim to mitigate these concerns, offering a respite for those in need. Let's explore why wool pillows can be a game-changer for such individuals, providing them the quality sleep they deserve.

The Allergen Dilemma in Bedding

Allergens are everywhere, from our outdoor environment to the confines of our bedrooms. The constant battle against these irritants can feel overwhelming, especially when our safe spaces, like bedrooms, become compromised. Bedding, particularly pillows, can be a hotspot for dust mites, mould, and other allergens. These allergens find their way into our respiratory systems as we breathe deeply during sleep.

Prolonged exposure, especially in the vulnerable state of sleep, can lead to increased severity of symptoms. For allergy and asthma sufferers, choosing the right bedding becomes not just about comfort, but health and well-being, making a night's sleep challenging yet essential to get right.

The Hypoallergenic Magic of Wool

Wool is nature’s wonder fibre, and its properties are a boon for those sensitive to allergens.

  • Natural Dust Mite Deterrent: Dust mites thrive in warm, moist environments. Wool’s ability to wick away moisture creates an unfavourable environment for these critters, making wool pillows relieve allergies effectively.
  • Mould and Mildew Resistance: Wool’s moisture-wicking abilities also prevent the buildup of mould and mildew, common triggers for asthma attacks.
  • Chemical-Free: Unlike some synthetic materials, wool is typically untreated with harsh chemicals. This natural aspect ensures that sensitive individuals aren't exposed to potential irritants.

Comparing Wool to Other Pillow Materials

Wool stands out, especially when you compare it to other commonly used pillow materials.

Wool vs. Synthetic Materials: Synthetic pillows can sometimes be treated with chemicals that can irritate the respiratory system. Wool, on the other hand, is natural and often free from such treatments, making it a superior choice for those asking, is wool better than polyester?

Wool vs. Down: While down is soft and luxurious, it can sometimes be a hub for allergens, unlike wool, which boasts hypoallergenic properties.

Benefits Beyond Allergies

While wool's hypoallergenic nature is a significant advantage, it offers other benefits that can enhance sleep quality, especially for those with health conditions. For instance, wool bedding relieves chronic illness pains, ensuring a comfortable resting environment.

Eczema and Wool's Comforting Embrace

Eczema, a skin condition often exacerbated by allergens, can flare up due to certain bedding materials. Wool's natural and hypoallergenic properties make it an excellent choice for such individuals. As proof, wool bedding products help in relieving eczema symptoms.

A Holistic Approach to Sleep

When selecting bedding, it's essential to consider the holistic impact on health. For those prioritising skin and respiratory health, wool emerges as a stellar choice, underlined by its inclusion as the best bedding material for your skin.

Maintenance Tips for Wool Pillows

To ensure that your wool pillows continue to ward off allergens and serve you well, follow these simple care tips:

  • Regular Airing: Let your wool pillows breathe by airing them out regularly. This simple step ensures any moisture is effectively wicked away, maintaining its hypoallergenic properties.
  • Gentle Cleaning: When it's time to clean, opt for mild detergents and follow care labels. Wool is durable but deserves gentle handling to maintain its integrity.
  • Dry Thoroughly: If you ever need to wet-clean your pillow, ensure it's thoroughly dried before use. Damp environments can encourage mould growth.


For allergy and asthma sufferers, the journey to a restful night starts with the right bedding choices. Wool, with its natural hypoallergenic properties, offers not just a solution but a comfortable, health-enhancing sleep experience. Embrace wool pillows and breathe easy every night.